Monday, March 29, 2010

Have some pride...

I would categorize this post as a forewarned...have some pride in yourself people. I could go off all day about inappropriate dress from my fellow females, however I will spare you for now. If you are blessed to have a job then do it well, I'm not saying you have to like it (I admit that my workplace can be extremely boring), but your work ethic says alot about you...I came to work today and there was no paper in the printer and there were magazines to be put away. You see, my job is not very difficult...put paper in the printer, put away all journals and magazines, and answer any questions that may arise, its not so difficult, now granted, things do happen, but this kind of stuff has been habitual. By the way, not that you care to know, but I cannot stand laziness, we all have our off days/tired days/feeling gross/sick days, but I think its perfectly acceptable to be fired for habitual with all that being said, take some pride in who you work for, the people you are there to work for, and the money you are making...and for goodness sakes...FEMALES, just because its spring time does not mean that you have to wear all your immodest clothing. I completely understand and expect that most people will not hold to my views of modesty. But really...oh, and another thing, there is a fine line between being a woman and being a lady. We are all women by nature of our birth, but to be given the title of lady takes things to a whole new level...and if you insist on wearing provovative clothing then please don't complain about the ways guys are looking at you/treating you - you're askin' for it...just sayin'...