Sunday, October 12, 2008

The sun also rises...#6

Well, as most of you are aware this "week" is fall break, and I am currently sitting at home baking cookies. I'm not really sure how to describe the innitial feeling of being at home - its different. This will always be home, but it will never be what it was...I could go on and on about all the memories and the parents and the boyfriend - but I'm sure you have better uses for your time...its funny but in a way I miss MC, well, really I miss my friends there. But there is something about being're more at ease, you sleep better, and hopefully you are catered to :) Hopefully we have all shared or will share the same experience...
I just got back from taking my brother to choir and I saw an old friend..."You look the same but older and wiser" he said...I laughed, I can't help the older part but I hope that my going away to college, fellowshipping with other believers, etc. will make me wiser...we were learning about Solomon last week in OT Bible - wisdom - I wouldn't have asked for that, but I suppose that the immense responsibility of ruling a country would way heavily on your I pose the question to you as I ponder it myself - how do you become wise, what makes a person wise? Does wisdom increase with age or experience? Comment, let me know, and I'm sorry this blog was so uninteresting - I hope everyone has a great fall break...see you back at MC !!!


Joshua King said...

I don't know about the blog not being interesting. I'm glad that you had a good fall break.

Katybeth said...

In answer to your question, I honestly don't know. I would probably say experience but then again, who knows?