Friday, January 23, 2009

Treasured Friendships...

They say that honesty is the best policy, so here it goes - I never had alot of friends in high school - oh, I had many acquaintances, but now that I look back on it, I had none that I trusted (at least not with the secrets of my soul). Well, I take that back - I had my parents, but parents, as loving as they are, are not always the best ones to go friends now are amazing, and this blog really is a big shoutout to them...we had "girl time" last night. For any guys out there who might be reading this - its not as lame as it sounds, in fact, every girl needs some "girl time". We talked for about 5 hours until we were all exhausted...I won't tell you everything we discussed but I loved how our lives and experiences were all so different, yet we could completely relate to each other...these girl's are some of the most beautiful, smart, and sold out women for Christ that you will ever come across - and though they may never read this, I just wanted to thank them for being so opened, for listening so intently, and for staying true to their convictions and their Savior...

I love you guys!!!
~ Sarah

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Sarah Cole!

I love you with all my heart and am so glad to be counted among your friends! You are such a great friend and blessing to me! Can't wait till the next meeting!
