Tuesday, September 7, 2010

...this is to have succeeded

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed eeasier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American Essayist & Poet

Monday, March 29, 2010

Have some pride...

I would categorize this post as a rant...be forewarned...have some pride in yourself people. I could go off all day about inappropriate dress from my fellow females, however I will spare you for now. If you are blessed to have a job then do it well, I'm not saying you have to like it (I admit that my workplace can be extremely boring), but your work ethic says alot about you...I came to work today and there was no paper in the printer and there were magazines to be put away. You see, my job is not very difficult...put paper in the printer, put away all journals and magazines, and answer any questions that may arise, its not so difficult, now granted, things do happen, but this kind of stuff has been habitual. By the way, not that you care to know, but I cannot stand laziness, we all have our off days/tired days/feeling gross/sick days, but I think its perfectly acceptable to be fired for habitual laziness...so with all that being said, take some pride in who you work for, the people you are there to work for, and the money you are making...and for goodness sakes...FEMALES, just because its spring time does not mean that you have to wear all your immodest clothing. I completely understand and expect that most people will not hold to my views of modesty. But really...oh, and another thing, there is a fine line between being a woman and being a lady. We are all women by nature of our birth, but to be given the title of lady takes things to a whole new level...and if you insist on wearing provovative clothing then please don't complain about the ways guys are looking at you/treating you - you're askin' for it...just sayin'...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Treasured Friendships...

They say that honesty is the best policy, so here it goes - I never had alot of friends in high school - oh, I had many acquaintances, but now that I look back on it, I had none that I trusted (at least not with the secrets of my soul). Well, I take that back - I had my parents, but parents, as loving as they are, are not always the best ones to go to...my friends now are amazing, and this blog really is a big shoutout to them...we had "girl time" last night. For any guys out there who might be reading this - its not as lame as it sounds, in fact, every girl needs some "girl time". We talked for about 5 hours until we were all exhausted...I won't tell you everything we discussed but I loved how our lives and experiences were all so different, yet we could completely relate to each other...these girl's are some of the most beautiful, smart, and sold out women for Christ that you will ever come across - and though they may never read this, I just wanted to thank them for being so opened, for listening so intently, and for staying true to their convictions and their Savior...

I love you guys!!!
~ Sarah

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I am not the only one...#13

Going away to college has always been one of my dreams; in a way, I just wanted to see if I could do it. I wanted to see what I was really made of and prove everyone wrong. Going away to college has been a great experience for me - though its not for everyone. I have mentioned this before, but Mississippi is a "whole new world" (Aladin & Jasmine singing); alot different from Florida. But I believe that leaving my hometown has opened the door for so many other opportunities...to meet new people and to minister to new people. But sometimes I forget - and I think we all do - that there are those left behind whose lives have not drastically changed like ours. Parents are a prime example...I don't know how close you are with your parents but call them more than once a month, they deserve more than that. "But Sarah, you don't know my parents!" - do whatever you want, I'm just sayin'. Its easy to take the ones we love for granted, but I encourage you - as stress comes with exams - to take a moment and think of all the ways you have been blessed this year. Maybe this has been a year of pain, but how has God turned it for the good? Here's a thought...feeling down?...suprise someone, give them something (a flower, a candy bar), but don't tell them its you. Guys, this exercise is not for that georgeous brunette in your class...but do it randomly to a random person...it really is more blessed to give than to receive! Study we must, or fail we will - Yoda ...I'm not a complete nerd - I promise :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Random SNL moments...#12

Why does it take a moment to say hello and forever to say goodbye? I can't believe that Thanksgiving break is already over! Oh, and another thing, there should be a rule about giving students projects or papers due right after the break - I have one test and two projects!!! What has this world come to? Oh well - they can't give us any projects over Christmas break...HA...beat that!!!I just finished doing a photo project in which I described myself in twenty pictures and then described them in three words or less...it was informative and insightful...at this very moment I am watching SNL and Anne Hathaway is hosting it...hmmm...there are some hilarious people in this world - the man is now upset that his wife's suitcase is over the limit and is putting her clothes on himself...wait - my bad - this is Mad TV...my dad is switching channels...I apologize for the randomness of this blog and hope that there will be some more exciting ones to come...I hope everyone enjoyed their break!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Attack of the rabid beast...#11

This blog will not be very exciting, nor will it be informative, it will simply be my reflections about this week (or rather, the past few weeks). Lately I have been "going through the motions"...wake up, class, eat, study, go to sleep - repeat - I have been jaded for the past couple of weeks...Thanksgiving break can not come too soon for me!!!However, I have been taught something this past week. Life used to be all about me, but going off to college really taught me to love people where they are and to be thankful that we all are so different. Since it is almost Thanksgiving I guess I should say what I am thankful for...I'm thankful for hard professors that push you to do your best (and no, I am not sucking up), I am thankful for my family because they will always be my support system, I am thankful for long distance relationships because without them I would never know how strong "we" could really be!
Funny story time...Jordan, Madeline, Chelsea, and I were riding back from the mall down this dark eerie street. Suddenly we see a big black dog standing by the side of the road, Jordan slows down and honks the horn at it(thinking she would teach the dog a lesson). Terrified, the dog runs out in front of the car - Jordan swerves and barely misses the stupid animal. Visibly shaken, Jordan stops the car about 50 ft. away - the dog then proceeds to chase after us...four girls are screaming and Jordan is frantically trying to get away from the rabid beast...we barely escaped with our lives...Jordan left the dog with these insightful words "go home"...and that ladies and gentlemen is what we should all do...so go home and enjoy your Thanksgiving break!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Reflections on a life not lived...#10

Do you ever have one of those days when you wake up early - for no apparent reason - and stay in your pajamas for the remainder of the day? On one hand you feel completely comfortable and at ease; on the other hand you feel lazy because you have essentially accomplished nothing...can you guess what kind of day I had??? Sorry, I'm not too good at being subtle. So here I sit, alone...I have completely run out of bottled water and chocolate milk - and I drink at least four bottled waters a day - so dehydration is imminent...
For the past two weeks I have been going to Crestwood with my church (Morrison Heights) from 3-5:30...we go and spend time with kids, help them with their homework, play with them, and let them know that they are loved. Children are so amazing - really! They are so curious about life, so innocent, so happy...I guess thats why I feel so strongly about abortion.Now, I don't want to rehash anything...I'm just stating how I feel and what I know to be true...the Bible says that children are a gift from the Lord and it amazes me that someone who had been given that gift doesn't even want it - the most precious gift in the world and they see it as an "it" - a problem to get rid of, an inconvienence...that child will never be held, will never brighten the world with his smile, or have the joy of living...however, that child will be forever in the arms of the One who made him and loves him beyond comprehension...