Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's ok to be gay???...#4

Interesting title huh? - yeah, I thought so myself. Those of you on campus know to what I am referring...that phrase (written in chalk) that was originally at the bottom of the stairs leading down to Jazzman's. Before I progress any further I would like to applaud the person who wrote below the initial message - but its great to be straight(however, next time, I'm thinkin' water might prove the point a little better). There is no doubt that this controversy (over same sex "marriages" or "partnerships") has errupted in the U.S. Many believe that this country has reached a new era - and indeed it has. No longer can children ride their bikes along their own street without the fear of being abducted, no longer is marriage sacred, and no longer is the fear of God - without whom we would be nothing - in the hearts of His people. Make no mistake - I did say HIS people, meaning many or all of you reading this right now.
How can we expect those who are blind to see the truth? I am not claiming to be better I only claim the words of John Newton, "I know that I am a great sinner, but Christ is a great Savior." If we are not prepared to stand up for what we know to be right then what are we? I do not want to be known as a person who sits back and watches the world happen around me - do you? If we continue to be silent then we will not be prepared for the consequences awaiting us. By now some of you are thinking: die-hard Christian, rigid beliefs, old-fashioned, and closed minded. Good, I'm glad, as long as I get you thinking!
I have often been told that I am too black and white - there's not much gray area with me. There are some things that may be painted shades of gray, but not this. Few things in life really "get under my skin" - the greatest being homosexuality and abortion. When I was younger my view of homosexuality was basically - people will do what they want to do, I can't stop it. And I'm not trying to stop it, I'm trying to motivate others to voice the same belief with me - the belief that marriage is a binding, forever commitment made before God between one MAN and one WOMAN. What motivates me? Not only my faith but the generation coming after, the future leaders of America, my future children, your future children...what motivates you?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What is there to do in Clinton?...#3

"There is nothing to do in Clinton", how many times have you heard that one? Well, hopefully - after reading this blog - your weekends will consist of more than watching t.v. and wishing you were home...
1.) Follow the flight of stairs on the edge of the quad down to the street in between Self and Aven, walk about two blocks...there you will come across a brick road lined with quaint little shops, my favorite happens to be the large antique store on the it are endless hours worth of browsing...vintage wedding dresses, cowboy boots, ancient books, unique pottery, and an infinite supply of jewelry...
2.)Wal-mart may be good for grocery shopping but think of it more as a place to engage your creative genius - go on a scavenger hunt with your friends - buy a plain notebook, glue, scissors, and some magazines...collages anyone? Spice things up and create your own journal or memory book...which brings me to point number three...
3.)Never be without your camera...take a drive with some friends and stop along the way to take pictures,go to a thrift store and try on random clothes - anything to make it memorable! If you love photography like I do then on campus is where you should be...beautiful, old oak trees, random benches, and timeless and white photos are my favorite...and when you get the pictures developed make sure to write when and where they were taken (you think you'll remember but trust me - you won't)this campus is full of history and great photo ops, you just have to be looking...
4.)Everyone in the world should know about Jazzman's chocolate chip muffins - make sure to try one, and tell me what you think...

* I realize that this is a very different blogging experience - if you enjoyed it however, tell me so, and I promise to come up with more ideas...gentlemen, this was really geared more towards the ladies and if you have read this far then I applaud you...thank you and goodnight...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just because I can...#2

In my mind college was supposed to be a liberating experience - you know - fly away from the nest...learn how to spread MY wings.It wasn't so much that I was being "held back" at home but I think that most students have that sense about them - I want to be out on my own, to make my own decisions. Though I never wanted to change who I was - I still felt that power -I was in charge of what I did, where I went, and who I went with. I didn't have to answer to anyone if I wanted to go make a Taco Bell run at two in the morning - and that gave me a sense of pride and importance.
Think about it - all this freedom - it will make or break who I am. Parties,guys,beer...I was once told that you'll never know if you like something til you try it...and now is the perfect parents, no boyfriend...they're all at home and I can do as I please. After all college is about "finding yourself" right. I can wear what I want, read what I want - heck - the sky is the limit.
You're probably thinking (by this point) that woah - this is a good girl gone bad...and it sounds like that doesn't it? But nothing could be farther from the Dad always said "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Yeah we're going to be asked and maybe even pressured to do things that are against what we've always been taught...try never just might like it...but think about usually takes more self-control to say no than to say yes...but this is a Christian college!!! I'm not blind enough to think that things aren't just as accessable here as they would be at any public I present a new challenge (to myself included)'s a little word called -discernment...think about who you are - not who people think you should be...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here comes the sun...

I have heard it said that rain is a sign of "good luck"; not that I believe in sheer luck necessarily, but you get my point. I have never been one to keep up with the weather - so you can imagine how happy I was to look out my window this morning and actually see the sun. I only mentioned the "good luck" quote because it rained the whole first week of my freshmen year - so I'm hoping that counts for something. You see, rainy days and Mondays always get me down and since I was already apprehensive about being away from home, scary professors, extensive papers and so on - well lets just say the rain didn't help. But enough about the weather - I never understood why people - if they have nothing else to say - stick to their health and the weather, how immensely boring!
Speaking of boring - let's talk about English class, not that I am implying anything, in fact, I would have to say that class today was the exact opposite except for the immense headache I had due to lack of nourishment and sleep (which seems to be every college students complaint). So back to English - in the latter half of the class a question was brought up by Professor Randle - the question seemed simple enough - why a small college? Many answers were given - so we won't be just another number, I tend to want to learn more if I relate to the teacher, so we don't feel intimidated. These were all very good, thought provoking answers. As I sat in my desk another answer came to mind, one which I did not verbalize - to learn from those around me. Obviously in a larger institution one would be afraid to verbalize questions or arguments. In a smaller class size, however, one feels more unified as a whole. Henry J. Kaiser said it better than I ever could, "I make progress by having people around me who are smarter than I am and listening to them. And I assume that everyone is smarter about something than I am."
I propose that one learns a great deal more in a smaller class setting than one would in a larger - why? Well, it seems to me that in a larger class one would be understandably shy and intimidated and therefore would not ask many questions or pursue any verbal discussions(now, of course, there are exceptions to every rule). I find that each question asked by a fellow classmate only gives me a better understanding of that topic - learning by listening. Hopefully I have conveyed my thoughts clearly - but if not - well this is (after all) my first blog. Thanks for listening