Saturday, November 29, 2008

Random SNL moments...#12

Why does it take a moment to say hello and forever to say goodbye? I can't believe that Thanksgiving break is already over! Oh, and another thing, there should be a rule about giving students projects or papers due right after the break - I have one test and two projects!!! What has this world come to? Oh well - they can't give us any projects over Christmas break...HA...beat that!!!I just finished doing a photo project in which I described myself in twenty pictures and then described them in three words or was informative and this very moment I am watching SNL and Anne Hathaway is hosting it...hmmm...there are some hilarious people in this world - the man is now upset that his wife's suitcase is over the limit and is putting her clothes on himself...wait - my bad - this is Mad dad is switching channels...I apologize for the randomness of this blog and hope that there will be some more exciting ones to come...I hope everyone enjoyed their break!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Attack of the rabid beast...#11

This blog will not be very exciting, nor will it be informative, it will simply be my reflections about this week (or rather, the past few weeks). Lately I have been "going through the motions"...wake up, class, eat, study, go to sleep - repeat - I have been jaded for the past couple of weeks...Thanksgiving break can not come too soon for me!!!However, I have been taught something this past week. Life used to be all about me, but going off to college really taught me to love people where they are and to be thankful that we all are so different. Since it is almost Thanksgiving I guess I should say what I am thankful for...I'm thankful for hard professors that push you to do your best (and no, I am not sucking up), I am thankful for my family because they will always be my support system, I am thankful for long distance relationships because without them I would never know how strong "we" could really be!
Funny story time...Jordan, Madeline, Chelsea, and I were riding back from the mall down this dark eerie street. Suddenly we see a big black dog standing by the side of the road, Jordan slows down and honks the horn at it(thinking she would teach the dog a lesson). Terrified, the dog runs out in front of the car - Jordan swerves and barely misses the stupid animal. Visibly shaken, Jordan stops the car about 50 ft. away - the dog then proceeds to chase after us...four girls are screaming and Jordan is frantically trying to get away from the rabid beast...we barely escaped with our lives...Jordan left the dog with these insightful words "go home"...and that ladies and gentlemen is what we should all go home and enjoy your Thanksgiving break!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Reflections on a life not lived...#10

Do you ever have one of those days when you wake up early - for no apparent reason - and stay in your pajamas for the remainder of the day? On one hand you feel completely comfortable and at ease; on the other hand you feel lazy because you have essentially accomplished nothing...can you guess what kind of day I had??? Sorry, I'm not too good at being subtle. So here I sit, alone...I have completely run out of bottled water and chocolate milk - and I drink at least four bottled waters a day - so dehydration is imminent...
For the past two weeks I have been going to Crestwood with my church (Morrison Heights) from 3-5:30...we go and spend time with kids, help them with their homework, play with them, and let them know that they are loved. Children are so amazing - really! They are so curious about life, so innocent, so happy...I guess thats why I feel so strongly about abortion.Now, I don't want to rehash anything...I'm just stating how I feel and what I know to be true...the Bible says that children are a gift from the Lord and it amazes me that someone who had been given that gift doesn't even want it - the most precious gift in the world and they see it as an "it" - a problem to get rid of, an inconvienence...that child will never be held, will never brighten the world with his smile, or have the joy of living...however, that child will be forever in the arms of the One who made him and loves him beyond comprehension...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

When things don't go our way...#9

There are times - as humans - when we think we are really something and then God reminds us that we are nothing without Him. I believe we get too caught up in our lives to consider who is giving us the next breath that we breathe. I often forget that this is not my life to live but His. God has been so good - not just to me - but to all of us. Even though life doesn't go as we plan, we must remember that we are in His hands - I am referring to the presidential election...I'm not saying that I don't worry but simply that I don't need to worry - we don't need to worry. We need to learn to trust Him - Obama getting into office did not take God by suprise! The Word of God says in Romans 13:1-2 "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves."
I am not saying that I agree with Obama - in fact we disagree entirely on subjects such as homosexuality and abortion - however - as a citizen of the U.S., he will be the next president. And, as a Christian, I am called to pray for him, that doesn't mean I have to like him or the things that he does, but "there is no authority except from God" continue to pray for our next president and our nation and rest in the fact that God has got the whole world in His hands...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Don't blink...#8

Life goes by so fast, one day you're in elementary school sipping your chocolate milk and eating your lunchables, the next you're a college freshmen sitting at her desk wondering what to blog about...but seriously though fall Preview Day is coming up (which means the Caf will be serving better food) - that is where I was a year ago...and once more this semester is coming to a close - they say (whoever "they" are) that the college years are the best years of your life, well, they were right. I've learned so much here already, made unbelieveable friends, and made countless memories...
I have learned to not sweat the small stuff - why - because God is God and I am not, I can only see a part of the picture He is painting...I used to always question and wonder - but I don't have to anymore because He is on His throne
I have learned that I am going to make mistakes, but instead of beating myself up about them I should learn from them - we all do stupid stuff sometimes
I have learned to love people where they are - whether they are messy or loud during quiet hours :)
I have learned that you can make the best out of any situation - only you can change your attitude, so don't whine and make others miserable - make the most of the time you have been given because you never know when it will be taken away...
I have learned (or rather embraced) that a "night out" now means Chick-fil-A and Walmart...
I have learned that staying up til 2 and waking up @ 6:45 doesn't work for me - sleeping is now my favorite thing to do...

*What have you learned from your short time @ MC?
~ Life flies by...don't blink~