Saturday, November 1, 2008

Don't blink...#8

Life goes by so fast, one day you're in elementary school sipping your chocolate milk and eating your lunchables, the next you're a college freshmen sitting at her desk wondering what to blog about...but seriously though fall Preview Day is coming up (which means the Caf will be serving better food) - that is where I was a year ago...and once more this semester is coming to a close - they say (whoever "they" are) that the college years are the best years of your life, well, they were right. I've learned so much here already, made unbelieveable friends, and made countless memories...
I have learned to not sweat the small stuff - why - because God is God and I am not, I can only see a part of the picture He is painting...I used to always question and wonder - but I don't have to anymore because He is on His throne
I have learned that I am going to make mistakes, but instead of beating myself up about them I should learn from them - we all do stupid stuff sometimes
I have learned to love people where they are - whether they are messy or loud during quiet hours :)
I have learned that you can make the best out of any situation - only you can change your attitude, so don't whine and make others miserable - make the most of the time you have been given because you never know when it will be taken away...
I have learned (or rather embraced) that a "night out" now means Chick-fil-A and Walmart...
I have learned that staying up til 2 and waking up @ 6:45 doesn't work for me - sleeping is now my favorite thing to do...

*What have you learned from your short time @ MC?
~ Life flies by...don't blink~


Peng said...

It is good that you spend a few time but learned a lot. It is also ture that time goes by fast, and the second semester is coming soon.

Latuesday Guy said...

I agree with you about life passing by fast. I am glad that you have learned to enjoy life in your own way.

Mason said...

Yeah I can completely relate to your experience so far too. I love to sleep too, but fortunately have slept pretty good since being @ MC despite never going to bed before midnight.