Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's ok to be gay???...#4

Interesting title huh? - yeah, I thought so myself. Those of you on campus know to what I am referring...that phrase (written in chalk) that was originally at the bottom of the stairs leading down to Jazzman's. Before I progress any further I would like to applaud the person who wrote below the initial message - but its great to be straight(however, next time, I'm thinkin' water might prove the point a little better). There is no doubt that this controversy (over same sex "marriages" or "partnerships") has errupted in the U.S. Many believe that this country has reached a new era - and indeed it has. No longer can children ride their bikes along their own street without the fear of being abducted, no longer is marriage sacred, and no longer is the fear of God - without whom we would be nothing - in the hearts of His people. Make no mistake - I did say HIS people, meaning many or all of you reading this right now.
How can we expect those who are blind to see the truth? I am not claiming to be better I only claim the words of John Newton, "I know that I am a great sinner, but Christ is a great Savior." If we are not prepared to stand up for what we know to be right then what are we? I do not want to be known as a person who sits back and watches the world happen around me - do you? If we continue to be silent then we will not be prepared for the consequences awaiting us. By now some of you are thinking: die-hard Christian, rigid beliefs, old-fashioned, and closed minded. Good, I'm glad, as long as I get you thinking!
I have often been told that I am too black and white - there's not much gray area with me. There are some things that may be painted shades of gray, but not this. Few things in life really "get under my skin" - the greatest being homosexuality and abortion. When I was younger my view of homosexuality was basically - people will do what they want to do, I can't stop it. And I'm not trying to stop it, I'm trying to motivate others to voice the same belief with me - the belief that marriage is a binding, forever commitment made before God between one MAN and one WOMAN. What motivates me? Not only my faith but the generation coming after, the future leaders of America, my future children, your future children...what motivates you?


Joshua King said...

I agree with you on the issue of abortion. I really, really don't like it, but I realize that people will do whatever they want. I can't agree with you on homosexuality. I know several people that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and I can't go around and disagree with it. I'm glad that you have defined beliefs though, and you want to make a difference in the world. I'm more of a cynic, so I don't think people can make a big difference; they can just do a few things. I enjoyed reading your post.

kara said...

I commend you on sharing your beliefs! I agree with you and think that you have taken a very mature approach at voicing your opinion! Nice to back up fact.

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything against the homosexuals but i do agree with you. What are we trying to say to the future generation? I mean God said one MAN AND one WOMAN!! i hate abortion!!

Rachael Peterson said...

I think you had some great points in your post. I believe that marriage is for a man and a woman, too, but I don't think we should be judgmental towards gay people, because it is not up to us to judge. good post!

Tracie said...

Just remember, GOD is the only one that is aloud to judge HIS people since HE is the one who created us in HIS image. And the subject of abortion, in my opinion is a decision between that person and God. Unless we have been in a situation, we should not look down upon those that have.

Mason said...

I completely agree with you on both subjects especially homosexuality because that is something Ive always been against and felt strongly about. And as far as people not being AGAINST it well it is a sin and is in the bible so dont try to argue that.